This weekend my sister Kathryn and her family came to town. It was so much fun to have them here. Saturday afternoon we went to Big Cottonwood Canyon to eat lunch and play. The boys found lots of rocks, dirt, and water to play in. Cooper the older of the two boys said Mom can I climb the mountains because I am boy and no offense but girls are wussies. Apparently the girls were not manly enough to climb the mountains so we decided to play on the playground while the boys did their boy things.
Then later that night we went to the ReAL Salt Lake game. And I am so mad at myself because Leo the Lion came right up to us and hugged the two little boys, but of course I didn't take a picture! Grrrr!!!! On the way home we saw a girl texting while driving and I explained to them how I get so mad at Justin when he does that. Isaiah asked me what do you not like about Justin? I told him I don't like it when he texts and drives because it scares me. Then he was quiet for a moment and asked what DO you like about Justin? I said his muscular body! They thought that was too funny. Ok he may not be all muscle, but he is strong enough for me!
All in all we had a wonderful weekend and came to the conclusion that the LeMones can come and visit every weekend. And here is the only picture I took all weekend. Sad I know...
Sweet little Kate and baby Ruthie in the shopping cart at the grocery store. Since I told a story about the boys I guess I better tell one of Kate. Kate is at the age where she copies what you say, especially when you are reprimanding someone. Ruthie had taken a book from Isaiah so I told her, "Ruthie be nice." Then Kate chimed in Roofie be nice! I had to laugh at that. Kids say the cutest and funniest things. We can't wait to hear the things our little Roofie will say.
2 months ago
that's so nice for your sister to come and visit. before i moved i made all of my sisters promise to come and visit me!
So Annie, what DO you like about Justin? Ha ha. Probably his really cool cousins, right? :) Sounds like a fun visit... seeing family is the best.
Haha I yell at aaron all the time when he's on the phone just talking in the car..he almost forget he's driving! I know what you mean..
And don't you just hate forgetting to snap shots at the perfect moment with your camera? It's almost worth it to look like a tourist all the time just to make sure you get all the good shots! ;D Cute picture in the cart though!
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