Thursday at Ruthie's appointment the doctor was talking about how healthy Ruthie has been. I think he was surprised that we haven't been in the hospital with some sort of illness. He said you must not have her around a lot of sick kids. I was so proud. I felt like a good mother. Well guess what doc?! You jinxed us! The very next night Ruthie had a high fever and runny nose. Poor kid she looks pretty miserable. On top of feeling miserable, she has taken quite a few spills since learning to walk so she looks a little pitiful too. She has two scratches on her forehead and a HUGE bruise on her cheek. We call her bruiser after the jazz player Boozer.
I don't really know what to do. I have been giving her medicine like tylenol and ibuprofen.This helps a ton but as soon as its out of her system you can tell. She won't let me put her down and goodbye to sleeping. I am hoping its just teeth and will pass. So any mothers out there with some good remedies let me know. And when do I know when I should take her to the Doc? So many worries as a mom....
2 months ago
awe dangit ruthie!! So sorry she is sick!! feel better soon!! 'tis the season i guess?
Just try to keep giving her liquids....Miley has had her share of sicknesses (colds, fever, flu) and unfortunately there isn't too much you can do about them except give her lots of cuddles. :) Try some Pedialyte, just to make sure she doesn't get dehydrated. Maybe try popsicles too, cuz that will help keep her hydrated, and may help her teeth if they are hurting. Good luck!
My doc has always recommended waiting 4-5 days before bringing them in. If the fever hasn't broken after the 4th day I'd definitely call and make an appointment. Good luck! It's SO hard to have a sick baby... I'd say it's one of the worst things about being a mom!
as far as advice...ditto to what emily said. vance has been sick the past week and has been absolutely awful! He is normally so good, but all he wants to do is cry...good luck!
Oh no! I hope it is just teeth! It is so hard seeing your little one sick. My advise is to keep checking her temperature. Take her to the doctor if it is 103 degrees or higher, or if she is acting very lethargic. Other than that, I second what Wendy said. (I believe I gave her some of that advise a few days ago when Miley was sick!)
Anyways, we are in Salt Lake! We got in late last night. We would love to see you guys, if you are still feeling up to it! I totally understand if you want to lay low with Rutie being sick and all. I texted Justin, so I hope he has the same phone number (although I am pretty sure he hasn't gotten a few texts I have sent in the past). We are at the Embassy Suites. What would be the best way to contact you?
Oh my goodness that's so crazy. Poor baby. Brookie has been sick too and woke up with a major fever yesterday. She has a double ear infection!! How is little Ruthie? I can't believe she is walking they grow up too fast!! Brookie is almost there...she takes steps. Give Ruthie hugs!!
The worst thing about going to those visits is that they always pick something up!! If my kids have a virus with a fever it can last several days. As a new mom I would go to the Dr. after a day when Alexis was sick. Now that I have four, it's about a week! Good luck!
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