So lately Justin has been told that he looks like these two guys. The first one is D'will from the Jazz and the last picture is Ade from So You Think You Can Dance.
I don't know maybe I am the one who is color blind... Plus my man is WAAAAAAAAAAAYyyy hotter!
This weekend was a holiday for Utahns. July 24th is Pioneer day! On Friday we went to the ReAL Salt Lake game and met up with some friends. I was anticipating leaving early for fear Ruthie would only last ten minutes. Boy was I wrong she lasted the whole game and through the fireworks show after the game! She was so cute. She was jumping almost the whole time and everytime ReAL scored a game she went wild with the crowd by throwing her hands into the air and squealing with delight. I didn't get a picture of the whole group but I will try to get one from a friend.
On Saturday, Grandma and Grandpa Leavitt and Haley came to town. We had so much fun with them. We ate some yummy Olive Garden for dinner and went swimming back at their hotel. Ruthie would jump in the pool then turn right around and jump in the spa. She went back and forth the whole time we were there.
Waiting outside Olive Garden with Aunt Haley.
While Aunt Haley was sharing her lemonade, Ruthie made a grab for her food..
On Sunday we went to church then Justin made a delicious Japanese curry for everyone. After dinner we went to the canyons to play. Ruthie went down the slide and all by HERSELF. Later on we went back to the Leavitt's hotel to play scatergories and rage. I think I won both games ;)
Haley let Ruthie listen to her ipod. Isn't that so cute how she clipped it onto her shorts? She looks like a little teenager! Thanks for a wonderful weekend Leavitts. We love you guys and can't wait to see you again in a couple of days!
Today our friends Liz and Ian invited us to Big Cottonwood Canyon. So we packed lunches and headed out. There is this little lake that has a pathway around it. We were so excited to go outside. It was beautiful weather. Definitely not as hot in the canyon.
Not even ten minutes into the walk we needed to take a break and Ruthie fell in the water.
sooo dirty look at that knee...
Ruthie was sharing her juice with Ian.
We had so much fun and the kids were tuckered out by the end!
This will be my last post on San Diego. My dad and mom found this awesome thing to do through the San Diego Zoo. We slept in a Wild Animal Park in tents!
Yep we slept in those.
surrounded by these..
It was so cool. I loved it too because the animals are not locked up in a cage here. They have pits and wire fences separating you from the animals. But the pits did not seem deep enough and the fences did not seem tall enough when you saw the lions and cheetahs that close. I swear they could have jumped those things.
And the best part about this camp is you get matching tee shirts. Look how cute they are.
My cute HUGE family. I LOVE THEM!!!
We also had a craft time. We painted Ruthie's vest for her. Our group was called the Giraffes so I was going for giraffe spots, but instead it looked like a one year old's paint job.
Then after craft time we went on a tour of the Wild Animal Park. This is my nephew who insisted on being right up front and as close as he could possibly get to the leader. He asked lots of questions too. It was adorable and I love this picture. It cracks me up every time. He is waiting so patiently..
Ruthie loved pointing at everything. Especially this big yellow hot air balloon they had. As you can tell Ruthie's shirt was a little too big. They didn't have her size, but Justin fixed that with the old eighties knot on the side. Very stylish...
Getting some rare cuddles from my baby. aww loves...
And what is a camp without smores, popcorn, and dancing around a fire pit?
I think this is a must do if you go to San Diego. Its actually in Escondido, but close enough. We did a junior camp and the kids loved it. I loved it too. Thanks again mom and dad for an amazing family trip! You guys really do spoil us. But I hope you know how grateful we all are. I think it helps our family stay close. We love you guys!!
This was Sea World Day!! I LOVE Sea World. Killer Whales have been my favorite animals since I was a little girl. I think they are majestic and beautiful. Every time we go to Sea World I want to be a killer whale trainer. Wouldn't that be awesome? We did everything and anything there was to do there. There is this cute new little section too for kids. Its all sesame street themed. It has rides and a cute little pit for little babies to take their shoes off and run around in. Ruthie LOVED it. It was so funny to watch all the kids just run and fall. Because it was only for little babies and toddlers you didn't have to worry too much about them getting trampled. Unfortunately our dumb camera wasn't working so we don't have photos of that. So most of these are from my mom. THanks mom for capturing the moments for us!
On the car ride to SEA WORLD!! I think i was more excited than Ruthie and Justin put together.
Reese was having so much fun she didn't even notice her dress was caught in her underwear...
My poor momma and her bad knees or should I say lucky she got to be pushed around in a wheelchair!
My dad cannot leave work at work. It goes everywhere with him.
The stingrays.. One of Ruthie's favorite spots because she could splash in the water!
Another one of Ruthie's favorites the aquariums. She was so cute. We would stand her on the ledge and she would go WOW! Sea World was a blast and I can't wait to take her when she is a little older and will enjoy the shows there. It is a magical place!