Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's Gone

It's gone... My long hair is GONE! I chopped it off last night. Well I didn't I went to a salon close to my house. My hair was the longest it has ever been and I slaughtered it. Here is what I wanted... Here is what I got. I did have bangs so it couldn't be exact... And I didn't think I could go that blond. I LOVE her hair color but I just don't think it would look good on me. She did do it a little longer but next time I might chop it right to my jaw line. I am really happy with how it turned out. I think she did a good job!


Cameron and Wendy said...

CUTE!! I love it! You definitely can pull off any hair style though, cuz you are so dang cute!

Chels Allred said...

I love it! The a-line is my fav haircut to do on people! You look adorable!!

Kipp and Gelsey said...

Your hair looks great! I wish I were brave enough to try different and new looks... I haven't had my hair shorter than my shoulders for as long as I can remember. Did you donate your hair to Locks of Love?

Anderson's said...

Annie, I love it! I was a little nervous when you told me you wanted to chop your hair, but it is dang cute. What does Justin think?

Alli Waldron said...

very sassy. i love it!

Emily said...

You look great!! Want to hear something funny? I printed off those exact same pictures and took them to my hair stylist when I chopped my hair off. It's such a CUTE style! It makes me want to do it again :)